Director Team

Qualities of a Good Director

Admin Director Role 

The day camp director is the volunteer or professional on-site conducting the Cub Scout day camp.

The day camp director must be a man or woman 21 years of age or older of well-known good character and ability. In addition to being certified at National

Camping School for day camp administration, the day camp director will do the following:

Program Director 

The program director is the volunteer or professional on-site responsible for the Cub Scout day camp program. Program directors plan the program with

the help of the area directors or session directors. The program director must be a man or woman 21 years of age or older of well-known good character

and ability. In addition to being currently certified at National Camping School for day camp administration, the program director will do the following:

Range and Target Activities Director

Responsible for the safe operation and training of the Northern Ridge Cub Scout Day Camp range and target activities program.