To register a Cub Scout, Cub Scout Adult Volunteer, or Tot, go to our main Registration page.
To register a Cub Scout, Cub Scout Adult Volunteer, or Tot, go to our main Registration page.
Special Requests:
Special Requests:
Do you have a special request, pair with another scout, want to work the Archery or BB Range? Fill out the form below.
Please Note: Special Request are NOT guaranteed to be honored, they are handled on a case by case basis. With small den sizes and less volunteers overall, we have to staff camp so that it is functional and safe meaning you may not be placed as your first preference.
Special Request will not open until March 1st.
Adult Volunteers Not Associated With a Pack:
Adult Volunteers Not Associated With a Pack:
Are you an Adult that would like to help at camp but all your youth have gone on to a higher level program? Below is the registration for adults that are not associated with a Cub Scout Pack.