Cub Camp Registration Information
Are you ready to register? (Registration is OPEN)
Please review the Registration Requirements, Camp Fees, Volunteer Info, and Cancellation Policy below.
Need Tentaroo Help? Visit our Tent-A-Roo page for more information.
If you are have a special request for your scout, or as an Adult Volunteer, click HERE.
Registration Requirements:
Once available, the registration system through the Atlanta Area Council website will allow you to enter your information online, however, your Cub Scout is NOT GUARANTEED a spot at camp until all of the following criteria have been met:
We have received a complete Annual BSA Health and Medical Record form (Parts A and B) and signed Code of Conduct for all members of your family that will be attending camp, including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts/Venturers, Adult Volunteers, and Siblings.
Your Pack has met the minimum required camper (including siblings) to full-time volunteer (3:1).
Individuals registering for camp still fall into the required 3:1 ratio for their unit.
We receive the registration payment in full.
2025 Camp Fees:
Early Registration fee is $175 per Cub Scout (including Tiger Cubs and Siblings): This fee includes 1 camp t-shirt, 1 bag, camp patch, and supplies and materials for the rank programs. (Price goes up after March 1, 2025)
$75 per Tot: Full-time Adult Volunteers may register 1 potty-trained child, aged 3 - Kindergarten in the Tot Lot. This fee includes 1 camp t-shirt, 1 bag, camp patch, and supplies and materials for the Tot Lot.
Full-time Volunteers will receive a rebate at the end of camp towards the registration costs of one scout. See the Volunteer Discount Page for more details.
Part-time volunteers must pay $10 for their uniform shirt.
Volunteers and Tiger Cubs at Camp:
Each unit must send 1 Full-time adult volunteer for every 3 youth they send to camp.
Tigers attending camp must have an Adult Partner attend camp with them. Tigers and Adult Partners DO NOT count towards your volunteer to scout ratio.
Volunteers will receive 1 camp t-shirt. Adult Tiger Partners will receive 1 camp t-shirt.
We are looking for Program Leads to help us organize the rank materials prior to camp. Program Leads will receive a 60% rebate at the end of camp towards one scout. Please contact the Registrar at ASAP if you are interested.
2025 Cancellation Policy:
May 1 : The last day to cancel with full refund
May 2nd - May 14th: Cancel with $25 penalty
After May 14th: No Refunds. Instead, your scout will receive their camp t-shirt, bag, patch, wood working projects and program materials that they can work on at home. If you have questions about the cancellation policy please contact the Admin team at .